上海展览中心主体建筑建成于1955年3月,是新中国成立后上海建成最早的会展场所。五十多年来,在这里举行过重大政治、外事活动,接待过党的三代领导人以及数十位外国国家元首、政府首脑,常年担负着市委全会、党代会、市人代会、市政协会议、八一建军节招待会、国庆招待会、春节团拜会等市重大政治任务和市委、市府、市人大、市政协日常重要会议的服务保障工作。每年还组织和举办数百个国内外展览会和许多国际著名品牌的商业推介活动,已成为全市主要的会议中心和著名的展览场馆,是本市重要的政治、经济、科技、文化活动中心和对外交流的窗口之一,为上海的改革开放和社会发展做出了重要的贡献。 上海展览中心建筑在上海建筑群中独具一格。其俄罗斯风格建筑雄伟典雅、装饰华丽,1989年被评为“1949—1989上海十佳建筑”,1999年被评为“建国50周年上海十大金奖经典建筑”,2005年被评为上海市第四批优秀历史建筑,载入上海建筑史册。上海展览中心已连续六次被评为上海市文明单位。 上海展览中心占地9.3万平方米,建筑面积8万平方米,坐落在繁华的南京西路和交通主干道延安中路之间,具有十分优越的地理条件。历经多次扩建改造,2001年又进行了保持原有建筑风貌、提升功能的全面加固大修改造,造就了“南展北会”的新格局,现有展览面积2.2万平方米,大小40多个能分别容纳数十人至上千人的多功能会议室和会议厅。南部以序馆、中央大厅、东一馆、西一馆和西二馆组成展览区,北部以友谊会堂和东二馆组成会议区。两个区域既相互独立,又相互联系,形成南展北会、能分能合的功能格局。 上海展览中心以现代会展业的经营理念,一流的会展设施,优美的人文环境、专业化的人才队伍和诚信的人性化服务,在上海会展行业中将发挥更大作用,为上海的经济和社会发展做出更大贡献。
Established with the approval of Shanghai Municipal People's Government, SEC is an economic entity specializing in offering large-scale conference and exhibition services. With its buildings completed in March 1955, SEC is the first ever site for conference and exhibition after the founding of the People's Republic of China. Over the past five decades or so, SEC has been the venue for quite a number of important political events and foreign affairs, where CCP leaders of the first, second and the third generation arrived to attend meetings and to meet scores of heads of states from foreign countries. SEC boasts the host to a great many successful international and domestic conferences, exhibitions, and commercial promotion activities. . SEC is a center for important political, economic, science & technology and cultural activities. Architecturally, SEC is blessed with a unique characteristic. With its magnificent and elegant Russian styles and exquisitely graceful decorations, SEC was awarded in 1989 the title of one of the "Shanghai Ten Best Architectures in the period of 1949-1989". In 1999, it is again ranked among "Shanghai Ten classic Architectures with Gold Medals during the 50th Anniversary of the founding of the PRC". According to their functionality, SEC is divided into two parts, the north part and the south part. With Introductory Hall, Central Hall, No.1 East Hall, NO.1 West Hall, No.2 West Hall, the southern part forms an exhibition area, Friendship Hall together with No.2 East Hall in the north is designated as the conference area. SEC is an ideal venue for conference, exhibition and large-scale event in Shanghai.